Friday, September 26, 2014

Another New Day, Another New Opportunity.

We have a new opportunity to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be.  We get a new chance to create art, make music, write a book, or anything that you've been wanting to do, but haven't done yet.  Get Motivated!

We're all looking for inspiration to take us to new levels.  What happens when that inspiration doesn't come?  Do we keep waiting for it?  What if we could inspire ourselves?  How would that work?

Forcing ourselves to paint, isn't fun, or inspiring.  Forcing ourselves to get out of bed and stretch and possibly even go for a run, is difficult, but once we accomplish it, an amazing feeling of accomplishment fills the heart, mind and soul.

Overcoming laziness and disorder can be inspiring.  Instead of waiting for inspiration and giving in to laziness, we have the option every single day, to go out and seek inspiration in unique places.  We don't have to wait for it.

When that seeking energy comes from the heart, the universe will conspire in your odds to deliver to you, that which you seek.  If you are looking for inspiration.  Create an adventure for yourself and go out seeking your treasure, or in this case inspiration.  The universe will lead you in the craziest of ways and inspiration will fill your entire being.

If you're looking for inspiration on Facebook, good luck.  Go out into nature.  Take a walk, ask the universe to give you inspiration and it will happen.

With Eternal Love,


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