Monday, September 29, 2014

Life On Mars?

What could have formed this perfectly round shaped object?  Natural Causes?  On NASA's website, they say it could have been formed by tumbling in the water.  But could that produce something so perfect?  Why does NASA exclude the idea of this being created by intelligent life?

Now I'm not going to straight out say that there is or was intelligent life on Mars without some hard evidence to support the fact.  But I will say that I've talked with a lot of people and some very specific ones who tell me there are underground cities on Mars where civilizations of some sort live.

Do you believe there is intelligent life out there in the Universe?  Are we the only one's?

 Let me know what you think and send over some links to support why you think what you do.

Friday, September 26, 2014

I, Selomon, go over a few things that we can do to inspire ourselves instead of waiting for the inspiration to come to us. What are some things you think we could do to inspire ourselves? 
Another New Day, Another New Opportunity.

We have a new opportunity to be the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be.  We get a new chance to create art, make music, write a book, or anything that you've been wanting to do, but haven't done yet.  Get Motivated!

We're all looking for inspiration to take us to new levels.  What happens when that inspiration doesn't come?  Do we keep waiting for it?  What if we could inspire ourselves?  How would that work?

Forcing ourselves to paint, isn't fun, or inspiring.  Forcing ourselves to get out of bed and stretch and possibly even go for a run, is difficult, but once we accomplish it, an amazing feeling of accomplishment fills the heart, mind and soul.

Overcoming laziness and disorder can be inspiring.  Instead of waiting for inspiration and giving in to laziness, we have the option every single day, to go out and seek inspiration in unique places.  We don't have to wait for it.

When that seeking energy comes from the heart, the universe will conspire in your odds to deliver to you, that which you seek.  If you are looking for inspiration.  Create an adventure for yourself and go out seeking your treasure, or in this case inspiration.  The universe will lead you in the craziest of ways and inspiration will fill your entire being.

If you're looking for inspiration on Facebook, good luck.  Go out into nature.  Take a walk, ask the universe to give you inspiration and it will happen.

With Eternal Love,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Video Journal #6 What Should I Do With My Hair?

I AM Successful

Good Day to Us All!

It has been quite the ride these past few weeks.  There has been a lot of traveling from Maryland to Michigan and back.  I had my first Reiki Attunement on Tuesday, September 16th, around the same time the sun was experiencing massive Solar Ejections.  

I think that the sun’s activity can be directly linked with our human consciousness.  When the sun is going through a lot of activity, so too are our consciousness.  

The Reiki Attunement is affecting my mood quite a bit.  I can feel the things I’ve been holding onto are coming up, which is making me quite moody.  That makes me feel even more gratitude towards those who have to deal with this moodiness and still love me.  

We had are 5th official Podcast this past Tuesday, September 23rd with Nick Meador.  It was a good podcast and I am proud of everyone for sticking with it.  I am working really hard to take the podcast to greater heights.  My goal is to continue improving each episode and create the best podcast that has ever been created.

Watching motivational videos on YouTube is helping me to stay focused, but I have to motivate myself to get out and move my body.  Run a little farther each day.  Do a few more pushups each night.  

I AM successful.  I AM successful.  I AM successful.

<3 - Selomon

Friday, September 12, 2014

Solar Flare Update September 8th - 11th 2014 w/ music

Solar Flare this weekend.  As above so below.  We feel the effect of the solar flares within our selves as well.

The Sun represents consciousness and Earth represents the nourishment, a mother.  Feeds us.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Anyone can learn to Astral travel, I had never done it until I was taught how."  - V.M. Beelzebub (Experiencing Astral Travel)

These are some FAQ's that were used in V.M. Beelzebub's book "Experiencing Astral Travel".

I help host a podcast for Live every Tuesday at 8 p.m.

Check out my bog at

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The main point I got from the Angels is LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF FOR THE ANSWERS!    The Text Version is below:

"Selomon, you have seemed to be in a deadlock lately where it's been hard to get inspired or to get motivated.  Even meditation was nearly abandoned.  The tests are getting more difficult now.  We are glad to see you back into a higher vibrational frequency.  You cannot pick up our transmissions when you're in a lower state.

Humanity is becoming more and more aware of their true selves.  One thing we see during this moment is people looking for answers outside of themselves.  It is true we are all connected with the source of all and we are all one with each other, the animals, trees, Earth, the galaxy and each and every Star.  It is NOT true however that what one person says is true just because of the former fact.

You have all come to Earth to be unique.  You all wanted to experience your own reality, separate from other individual fractals of consciousness.  Why do you think it would be any different during this shift?  Do you think you all signed up to experience the same things, to know the same things and to experience the same experiences as everyone else?

We are transmitting this to tell you that it's okay to be having different thoughts.  To be at different levels of understanding.  It's okay to be going through different experiences whether you perceive them as good or bad in that moment.

It was said that soon everyone will have the ability to communicate directly with the higher beings.  In truth, this has always been the case.  We have always existed within you.  You are an infinite, limitless, omnipresent, omniconscious being.  You always have been.  Through your main stream media and the powers that were, all of humanity was put into a vibration of fear.

Fear is the lowest vibration you can get to.  At that level of wavelength, it is impossible to receive any of our transmissions, let alone a download coming directly from the center of the universe.  You all forgot who you are.  You forgot about how truly and deeply you were connected with every cell, every atom of this vast infinite Universe.

Now allow yourself to remember!  Remember the connection we all share with the same source, the same God, and the same shinning light.  Raise your vibration.  Our signals and transmissions are getting stronger than ever.  Stop watching the news.  Don't let them force thoughts of destruction and death.  Keep love, peace and harmony within your heart and your thoughts.

Time is an illusion.  Many of you are starting to feel the full benefit of acknowledging only one moment.

Moments shift and continue to do so for infinity.  Time from one moment to any other moment you manifest, whether it's a day, a week, a month or even a year, is only a perception.  Realizing this will give you a deeper grounding and you will manifest at an instant.  This is already being done by many people.

We, the Angels, the beings who reside in a higher vibrational frequency, say that we are waiting for anyone who opens themselves up to finding answers directly, not indirectly.

Go within yourselves.  Reading changelings like this and watching videos is helpful.  We feel you are all at such a high vibration that you need to start seeking answers from within your own hearts and your own unique consciousness.  Channeling us, or your own higher selves is like everything else.  It's going to be tailored to you and your own ascension process.

The 5th Dimension is here.  The moment already exists.  Since time is an illusion, you will only take as long as you perceive it to be.  For some it may seem like days.  Others it may seem like months and to many, it will be instantaneous.

We ARE the Angels which whom God himself has sent to assist all of you in this most Glorious time.  Hallelujah, Hallowed be thy name."

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Video Blog #4 Karmatic Cycles

Karma keeps us in the cycle of reincarnation so that we can balance out the universal Law of Attraction.

Go to to watch my podcasts Live every Tuesday at 8 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Video Blog # 3 Astral Projection

Astral Projection is a way to connect with your energy body/ spirit body/ astral body which allows you to move past the restrictions of the physical plane.  You can travel to the 4th or 5th dimensions.  Meet your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Light beings, etc.

If you need help or have any questions about astral projection or anything else to do with Spirituality email me at my personal email.

Visit to see more about my project.

Video Blog #2 Metaphysical Properties Plantar Warts

Planters Warts: Represent anger at the very basis of your understanding. They represent spreading frustration having to do with the future.

Kyle was eight years old with a big case of planters’ warts. His mother tried various treatments, but they never went away. I wonder why?

His father was an alcoholic.  His mother had left his father after a fight where she had tried to call the police and he had shot the telephone out of her hand.  The weekend visitations to his father’s house left his mind putrefied with negative thoughts that he was too small to communicate and work through.

I did as much as I could by supporting him in learning how to muscle test. This technique empowers children. For a very complete handout on muscle testing, go to:

After much personal work, Kyle’s mother magnetized into her life a very special man. He was also an exceptional friend to Kyle. Someone to whom Kyle could work through his anger issues with because the lines of communication were always kept open. They often worked on issues as they came up.  Soon after his mom and stepfather married, the warts went away.


My Current Projects

While on the surface things may seem calm and still, but behind the scenes a storm is brewing.  A massive giant storm of awesome!  If we can hold steady and make it through, the light will shine brighter than ever before.

I am currently working on a number of projects.  Besides PBM2L I am helping Shantastic Shine with her business by making walking sticks and bracelets.  I'm planning on posting pictures of the step by step process of making the walking sticks.  From picking them out of the Appalachian Mountains to carving to staining and adding gloss and crystals.

Together with Spaceship Earth we are working on creating a short film for the intro video.  Ashton is remixing Radio Active.  Shantastic Ink Photography is filming and editing.  I'm starring and helping edit and directing.  It's a beautiful collaboration and I'm really excited to share it with everyone soon.

My video blog should be starting soon.  The podcast starts Tuesday with Spaceship Earth as the featured guest.  This is really exciting as I use to do a podcast a long while ago and had to take a break to reinvent myself and how I do things.  If done properly it should be a pretty amazing podcast.  

My goal for the podcast is to be in the top 5 spiritual podcasts.  We can do it!  It will take a lot of hard work and motivation but it CAN be done.  

In about an hour I am going to a church for an assignment!  I'm really happy about it because I will be harvesting those fruits and using it to further advance PBM2L.

I love you all very much!  Thanks for being a part of this!

Project Bring Me to Life

I am sitting here at Bigby Coffee in Detroit, MI working on the website for PBM2L.  It has been an interesting journey with this "business" of mine.  It started off as a documentary for my journey out of zombie mode and into my spiritual path of enlightenment.

I didn't work on PBM2L for two years.  It may have been because I was busy traveling, or perhaps I just didn't know where to go with it after I got back from my first visit to Colorado.  Either way PBM2L was forgotten. 

It wasn't until recently that I knew where to take it.  I was hit with an intense inspiration to get this project started again.  I was tired of just letting it sit there as nothing more than a few videos with not more then 50 views each. 

Now we have a Mission Statement:  "Re Awaken the world we live in to our spiritual purpose through Art, Music and Literature."  That's how it stands at this moment.

There are a lot of things I AM working on with this project.  I AM working towards the goal of acquiring a big bus to tour around the country and the world with different artists and musicians spreading our message of spiritual enlightenment.

It's so amazing to see how spirit is guiding me to work on this and I am so humble and grateful for this experiencing and for this mission and purpose here on Earth.  Thank you all for being apart of it!

-With Love


P.S.  Here is the original video I made on my first journey with Project Bring Me to Life: