Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Too Much on Your Plate?
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Unity Consciousness
Within this Earthly perspective we may experience what is known as "Duality". You should know that in truth, we are not separate from each other. Christians refer to the bible that says, "We are the body of Christ [God]." Together we make One being. Other cultures will refer to this as "Non-Dual."
The Theory of Everything (TOE) is a theory that everything in existence makes one very large, possibly infinite, circle. There are also an infinite amount of smaller circles existing in this largest, grand circle. Each smaller circle has an infinite amount of smaller circles with that, and so on and so on. These circles can represent a galaxy, solar system, planet, individual species, individual cells, individual nuclei, individual atoms and so on and so forth.
All of these smaller circles cannot exist outside of the larger circles. The circles exist together and without that largest of all the circles, nothing could exist. But of course the larger circles are infinite and so could there really be a largest of all circles, or just infinite amount of larger and larger circles, until eventually they become smaller circles?
Each of us are a smaller circle within a larger circle. We exist together, not separate. If this is a new thought or idea to you, explore it and see what resonates with you.
What would the Earth be like with each of us perceiving and existing in a state of unity consciousness?
It is my theory that if we all existed in Unity Consciousness, borders would be incompetent. Racism would have no meaning. Selflessness and helping each other would be a common trait amongst all who live on Earth. Of course there are some programs that run a certain way regardless of what level of consciousness. Because they need to. It is their purpose. But I feel deeply it is our natural purpose to help each other and to love each other.
Instead of thinking with a belief system of I'm an American, I'm an African, I'm a Canadian, I'm a German, we would say, "Hello, I am he as your are he as you are me and we are all together."
The best sports teams are the ones that work together. They work as a Unit. They are still in an awareness of individuality, but together, with each one playing their position, make up the team. The Unit.
On Earth many of us are still playing as individuals, without a team. Perhaps because we feel separated, like we don't belong. But separation is an illusion. Even when you're alone, you're not alone. Remember whatever we can do alone, if we find the correct pieces that fit, we become much stronger.
Imagine if every human on Earth worked together to end world hunger, establish global peace, create a sustainable economy. How about if we all worked together to clean up all the litter and figured out a way to end pollution, imagine that. This is something that we CAN achieve.
We can create a beautiful world, not only for ourselves, but for generations to come. It wouldn't take centuries or decades or even years. If you study ants, you will notice that they work together and they work quick. Their whole system is reliant open each one doing their job properly. You will also noticed from a distance that the ants look like one solid blob. It isn't until you zoom in really close that you're able to see they are individuals. Our bodies work much the same way with atoms.
The power of Unity and working together is the difference between making a small change in the world, to creating an entire global shift.
Besides, doing things with others is much more enjoyable. It is important to have alone time, however. The key is to balance the two and to know when you need to regather your thoughts before you introduce yourself to other frequencies. But if you're looking to change the world, in my humble perspective, you will find having a team is very beneficial.
Be a team player. Surround yourself around other team players. People care DO care for the well beings of others. I know I do. Let's make it to the top together.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Showing your gratitude for what you have in this moment will not only put you in a vibration and joyful mood, it will allow more abundance into your life. Let's go over a few ways you can show your gratitude.
- If you are looking to manifest abundance, this is a good place to start. If you are just feeling poop about yourself and or what you've done in your life recently, this can be a good place to jumpstart yourself back into a place of creativity and inspiration. Don't focus on what you do NOT have, focus on what you DO have. If nothing else, you will notice how much your truly have in your life.
Thank you for the food I eat.
Thank you for the water I drink.
Thank you for the air I breath.
Thank you for the life I live.
Thank you for all of the opportunities.
Thank you for all of the lessons.
I AM Grateful. I AM Grateful. I Am Grateful. Let it be known to all. Repeat these daily for the best results.
It is important to feel, truly feel that sense of thankfulness or gratitude. Saying it is one thing. Saying it AND FEELING it is something entirely different.
If you are looking to manifest abundance, this is a good place to start. If you are just feeling poop about yourself and or what you've done in your life recently, this can be a good place to jumpstart yourself back into a place of creativity and inspiration. Don't focus on what you do NOT have, focus on what you DO have. If nothing else, you will notice how much your truly have in your life.
Going Through the Human Experience
We are here as humans to experience the human experience. You don't need to feel bad for this. Each One of us will eventually awaken to our Spiritual Truths. The purpose here is forget everything and see what happens.
If you are struggling with being a "Perfect Spiritual Being" just let it go. Those moments will come. Maybe we have been down in the dumps lately, feeling like we're not getting "there" fast enough.
Just allow yourself to chill out. It's not always about the destination. These are precious moments. Take a few minutes to look around.
This will never be the same.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
I have been working on this for a few hours. The female is red, which represents grounding, while her hair is pink which represents our cosmic sisters. Adam has Blue skin representing gentleness and creativity. Blue also representative of an Avatar, which can be a secondary vehicle for the soul.
The angel has 4 wings on each side for each body. His green suit as a loving energy.
Venus you can see inside the female. Mars is inside the male.
It’s not quite finished, I just thought I would fill you in on some of my paintings since I haven’t done that yet. I am learning about blogging more and more and will continue to upload the highest quality content.
After a few hours of trying to get the tire fixed and multiple trips back and forth from town to home, the tire was fixed for free. I was also able to finish my first music video which will be published on 2/22/15.
Staying positive allowed us to see the situation clearly. We were also able to experience true miracles!
No matter how bad a situation may seem, staying positive, persistent and patient can turn all of that around.
Monday, February 9, 2015
What is a Guardian Angel?
It is exactly what it sounds like. It is an angel that is sent to guard you while on your life path. Guardian Angels accompany each soul to Earth as the soul incarnates. God/Universe/Grand Creator will designate specific angels to watch over us and assist us in times of trial and tribulation.
Most of the souls that incarnate on Earth will receive at least two Guardian Angels to work with. There may be others who work with fewer or more than two. For Example, I work with what I like to call The Council of 13. These angels will be designated based on what your life mission will be, or the reason you are here on Earth.
Our Guardian Angels can protect us from accidents or untimely deaths, put objects such as books in front of our paths, protect us from negative energies from entering our auric, or energy fields and can act as bridges to different planes, dimensions and communications.
Usually and most likely, your Guardian Angels will not interfere with your life. However, it is possible for them to take initiative if it’s that important. We all act as one and so there could have been an agreement before you incarnated, or something else that requires them to interfere.
Some may disagree with this, but from my own personal experience I know it to be true.
Guardian Angels are a specific form of a Spirit Guide. Not everyone resonates with angels as much as they do with a saint or with Jesus. The Guardian Angels are here with us to send us Love, Healing, Inspiration, Activation, Knowledge, Communication and Guidance.
If you wish to open yourself up to the help of the Guardian Angels, say this prayer.
“Dear God, I ask you now to open my heart and allow my Guardian Angels to assist me in walking my highest path. I give my permission for my Guardian Angels to send me love, healing, inspiration and anything else that I may need to continue to live with the most joy and balance. Thank you.
It is done. It is done. It is done."
I had an experience today when I was strongly guided to be specific when asking God, Creator, Universe, for something I was missing. I asked to find a bag that had one of my Tiger's Eye crystals. When I found the bag, it was empty allowing me to realize what I wanted wasn't the bag, but what was inside the bag.
As soon as I got specific and asked to find the Tiger's Eye itself, I found it 3 hours later hiding under blankets.
This simple experience showed me that being specific when asking for something, either to find something, or to manifest something, is really, really important. If you want to manifest a job, BE SPECIFIC!
If you want to manifest a partner, BE SPECIFIC. If you need anything, make sure you are as specific as possible so that you get exactly what you wanted.
Words are tricky. Use them Wisely.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
What is this "Christ Consciousness" business?
The term "Christ Consciousness" to me is another way of saying, to see as Christ saw. How did the Christ see? He walked by faith and not by sight if that tells you anything. The figure Jesus Christ is expressed in different world religions. All of those figures lived with complete and utter faith in the miracles and healing powers of God.
Each of those figures in all the different religions allowed God's energy to pour forth from their hearts, minds and bodies. This level of faith and allowance can be understood as Christ Consciousness, or the mind to have complete faith in God. We are all able to attain this level of being. We are all the body of God and we are expressed in material form in God's image.
The stories of Jesus revealed how Jesus would heal the blind, sick and dying. He did this by allowing God to come through his body and having the faith that he had, he KNEW that it would work. I didn't say that he thought it would probably work. HE KNEW IT WOULD!! This seems like a similar concept to Reiki. However, it cannot be described with words. It is a feeling, a KNOWING.
Jesus was also courageous and outspoken about his relationship with God. He spoke often about unconditional love, faith, miracles and other subjects that many chastised and spat at him for it. I know that his strong conviction and faith that was displayed as he spoke would of had even the most stubborn doubters question if what he said was true.
The thing about our minds is that when we doubt or disbelieve in being healed or being a part of miracles, we begin to create a structure of existence that will never allow those things to happen. You MUST be open to all of this!
The people that came to Jesus came fully expecting his healing to work, and it did. They were open to receiving the healing. No one can force healing on you. Just like you can't force a baby to eat broccoli, even though it's healthy. Well you can try, but they will spit it right back up.
If you are asking for a sign from God, then be open to receiving it! You cannot ask for something and receive the answer without unplugging your ears and opening your eyes first. So to those without eyes, let them see! Trust in yourselves.
The stories of Jesus revealed how Jesus would heal the blind, sick and dying. He did this by allowing God to come through his body and having the faith that he had, he KNEW that it would work. I didn't say that he thought it would probably work. HE KNEW IT WOULD!! This seems like a similar concept to Reiki. However, it cannot be described with words. It is a feeling, a KNOWING.
Jesus was also courageous and outspoken about his relationship with God. He spoke often about unconditional love, faith, miracles and other subjects that many chastised and spat at him for it. I know that his strong conviction and faith that was displayed as he spoke would of had even the most stubborn doubters question if what he said was true.
The thing about our minds is that when we doubt or disbelieve in being healed or being a part of miracles, we begin to create a structure of existence that will never allow those things to happen. You MUST be open to all of this!
The people that came to Jesus came fully expecting his healing to work, and it did. They were open to receiving the healing. No one can force healing on you. Just like you can't force a baby to eat broccoli, even though it's healthy. Well you can try, but they will spit it right back up.
If you are asking for a sign from God, then be open to receiving it! You cannot ask for something and receive the answer without unplugging your ears and opening your eyes first. So to those without eyes, let them see! Trust in yourselves.
No doubt.
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